Ask Terence McKenna

Follow up on a phrase you remember hearing.



31 total mentions.
20 talks with query:
(0.17 seconds)

Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge

...the whole of evolutionary theory..(..Uhm..ahh..)..Lampston.. Who is a brilliant evolutionary biologist called the doubling of the human brain size in...

1992 5
Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines

...anda. The real story of science is that it’s a series of revelations, brilliantly defended by people whose careers depended on the brilliant defense ...

1999 3
Mushrooms, Evolution and the Millenium a variation on the hero's journey, and I'm very indebted, uh, to a brilliant women anthropologist. I've never met her, but her book had a great in...

1991 3
aka The Psychedelic 'Religious' Agenda

...maturity is right on the surface because the way I play chess; I make brilliant plans and then I attempt to carry them out as though there was me and...

1993 2
Camden Centre Talk

.... I believe Tim Leary once said -- although he denies it, but it's so brilliant it's worth repeating -- that LSD is a substance which occasionally ca...

1992 2
aka Suggested Reading List

...ding in a morphic resonance theory of nature. So, uh Rupert is just a brilliant writer, even more brilliant than he is a talker and, uh, this is a de...

1987 2
Terence McKenna Vs. The Black Hole

...n, and though he tired quickly and occasionally spaced out, he was as brilliant and funny as ever. What follows are edited portions of these dialogue...

1999 1
Posthumous Glory

...ike that, and for that, can you hold the line. I mean, I think that’s brilliant. Of course, they ghettoize it, but still, you know, it wasn’t there –...

1999 1
Culture and Ideology are Not Your Friends

... uh, Alex Grey, the painter; Robert Venosa, who is a Boulder painter, brilliant international painter; Annie Sprinkle, the performance artist; Tom Ro...

1999 1
Lectures on Alchemy

...f all the magical codes of the Middle Ages. If you’re interested in a brilliant but fictional treatment of John Dee and Giordano Bruno, I’d like to r...

1998 1
Light of the Third Millenium

...on, first using acoustical signals and then some other hacker had the brilliant idea. “Well, if we can use sound to carry abstract associations, why ...

1997 1
Permitting Smart People to Hope

...ed in 1973, for crying out loud. Uh, Walter Freeman's work, creative, brilliant work, no conclusion. The hard-core materialists have gotten nowhere a...

1994 1
Live in New York Leary said this, but when I asked him, he completely disowned this brilliant remark, which let me know he was an enlightened man cause I never wou...

1993 1
Imagination in the Light of Nature

... Rupert Sheldrake and Ralph Abraham. Terence McKenna is a scholar and brilliant inter-dimensional adventurer with an understanding of nature from the...

1992 1
Hermeticism & Alchemy

...the Church and who was, by the way, African. He was known as the most brilliant theologian of his age, and the way he would prove to people that he w...

1992 1
Unfolding the Stone - Making and Unmaking History and Language

...met and the peacock’s tail grows daily, whiter, more radiant and more brilliant, as we sense it now, breaking into our dreams, breaking into our waki...

1991 1
Address to the Jung Society

...tific psychedelic attempt to explore consciousness merciliode wrote a brilliant book on alchemy called the forge and the crucible which is the bridge...

1991 1
The Light in Nature

...leteness Theorem, which as I'm sure many of you know was Kurt Godel's brilliant contribution to theoretical mathematics where he showed that the poss...

1988 1
Ethnobotany of Shamanism

...y are creating near-psychedelic, or pseudo-psychedelic states. Now, a brilliant and respected commentator on comparative religion like Mircea Eliade,...

1988 1
The Rites Of Spring

...ccount” and you say “Well I want to live in Versailles, surrounded by brilliant robots who- and I want great writers and artists to have lunch with m...

1986 1