Ask Terence McKenna

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139 total mentions.
21 talks with query:
(0.17 seconds)

Alien Footprints - Leprechauns, Elves, or Dead Souls?

...or a long line time. [Audience - 23.43] Where do you see the place of cannabis in consciousness evolution? On the one hand, it’s obviously doing som...

1993 28
Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge

...k that this works for all the psychedelics. I'm a.. I’m an inveterate cannabis user and i wish in a way that i could get a.. Transcribed by Azlan 1:...

1992 20
A Survey of Shamanic Options

...panes, which are the things in datura, not the polyhydric alcohols of cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol. This particular small group of plants are unit...

1989 18
Ethnobotany of Shamanism

... has articles on mushrooms, on the discovery of LSD, on ayahuasca, on cannabis and tobacco, the biochemistry of consciousness, shamanism as the ur-r...

1988 11
In the Valley of Novelty

...ot of stuff, most of which I can’t remember because of my devotion to cannabis. But let’s go back to the thing about language, and – yeah, the origi...

1998 9
Address to the Jung Society

...allucinogens are trivial and i won't mention them in the time we have cannabis is in africa as well but cannabis is worldwide now and probably has b...

1991 8
Appreciating Imagination

...ny other segment of the population that you can name. But if you turn cannabis into a schedule one drug, a felony, suddenly, all these people that n...

1997 7
Rap Dancing Into the Third Millenium

...ure, in her bounty, has provided coordination points. I mean, there’s cannabis coordination point, the opiate coordination point, the tropanes that ...

1994 7
Camden Centre Talk

...shed on the surface of a fragile planet. Q: ?? TM: Oh, dear, you know cannabis. Q: ?? TM: Well let me answer that. The question is that I urged high...

1992 6
Mushrooms, Evolution and the Millenium

...he last 25 years there has been a quantum increase in the strength of cannabis. Has there been a corresponding intensification in psilocybin? Is tod...

1991 5
aka Monogamy, Marriage, and Neurosis

... you have ayahuasca, psilocybin, DMT, toss in mescaline, ibogaine and cannabis… [Audience] – I don’t happen to have any of those. Ahah! Well, capita...

1994 4
aka The Psychedelic 'Religious' Agenda

...ght, my god, they’re losing their marbles. I would take LSD and smoke cannabis and do these things and have all kinds of strange experiences but I n...

1993 4
Conversations on the Edge of Magic

...h, this will just be moot. And this is a far more powerful thing than cannabis. I mean, not if you’ve never smoked cannabis and then you sit down an...

1994 3
Evolving Times

...(*audience laughs)To get a drug to the forefront of public attention. cannabis was sold to us as a love drug. Ahh, LSD, psilocybin, ibogaine. MDMA, ...

1995 2
Culture and Ideology are Not Your Friends

...mmitted the unimaginable crime of smoking, growing, or trafficking in cannabis, for crying out loud. I mean, if this is not a racket, what is? Uh, t...

1999 1
Linear Societies and Non-Linear Drugs

...ying there, and it always happens when, you know, you’re cut off from cannabis for long periods like that you return to it it’s ten times as strong ...

1999 1
Live at St. John the Divine's Cathedral, Synod Hall

...y now that I, at any rate, unaided by anything stronger than a little cannabis, can see the end of the tunnel. I see now how it will all work, how w...

1996 1
Permitting Smart People to Hope

...nd reproach by all of the most stalwart and yet clearly I'm a kind of cannabis-smoking lunatic. How did that happen? Well, it's the principle of the...

1994 1
Taxonomy of Illusion

... because as far as I can tell the argument now in favor of legalizing cannabis is that it ain't no big deal so why not legalize it. The problem is t...

1993 1
aka Loose Ends Time

..., well, I gauge it, but at that point I smoke and something about the cannabis synergy meeting the psilocybin, I mean, it is spectacular. I mean, yo...

1990 1
Hallucinogens & Culture Hinduism as it is exported to the West, is the immense reliance on cannabis. Hashish, Ganja, is, uh, the stable of these Sadhus. This is a fact o...

1988 1