Ask Terence McKenna

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7 total mentions.
5 talks with query:
(0.06 seconds)


... set of events. You see the difference? So you can't have an absolute determinism. If you have an absolute determinism, you preclude the possibility th...

1984 3
Permitting Smart People to Hope hold the possibility of a whole new way of thinking about time and determinism and novelty and the, uh, the buildup of structure in time. Yeah. Q: Y...

1994 1
Time and the I Ching

...o know the future, for if it were possible to know it life would be a determinism and thinking would be divorced from meaning, and we would be out of b...

1988 1
New Maps of Hyperspace

...e right. There is both the forward-flowing casuistry of being, causal determinism, and the interference pattern that is formed against that by the back...

1984 1
New and Old Maps of Hyperspace

... because there is both the forward-flowing casuistry of being, causal determinism, and the interference pattern that is formed against that by the back...

1982 1