Ask Terence McKenna

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3 total mentions.
3 talks with query:
(0.04 seconds)

A Conversation with Terence McKenna and Ram Dass

...s that it happened to me. I wasn't reading John Chrysostom or Meister eckhart, of course those guys… Ram: Right on... it happened to me ... it happ...

1992 1
aka A Stiff Dose of Psychedelics

...folds of your trousers and thinking about how that relates to Meister eckhart and – all this Huxleyan type stuff. That gave me the idea and then I ...

1990 1
Ethnobotany of Shamanism

...inced him that these medieval mystics that he was so fond of, Meister eckhart, William Blake and San Juan de la Cruz and so forth, were actually de...

1988 1