Ask Terence McKenna

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40 total mentions.
8 talks with query:
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Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge

...d. First of all, i am very interested in talking about the impact of uhmm.. psilocybin.. [0:01:30]..on human evolution an.. and values and inst...

1992 18
Shamanology than me, that I couldn't see him or her, you know but [Terence: "Mmhmm"], taught about the plants along the way, and which they were. Once I...

1984 9
A Better World (Toward The End Of History)

...R: Would you say a literal sense? TM: A literal sense, yeah. MJR: Mmm hmm. Now, many people who are very interested in dimensionality have been...

1996 6
Rap Dancing Into the Third Millenium

... I must be dead!’ And so you, you know, you think ‘heart, heart? Yes, hmm, heart, hmm, hmm. Pulse, pulse? Yes, yes.’ And meanwhile these things...

1994 3
I Ching, Habit & Novelty

... What on earth would I ask you as we come to the end of this program. hmm. What, after 2012? TM: Well, I'm a rationalist, so I would bet agains...

1997 1
Global Perspectives and Psychedelic Poetics

...they are not made of matter, so the laws of physics don’t apply. And, hmm, you know, like that. And then, and then I entertained different poss...

1994 1
Mushrooms, Elves and Magic

...for the advance into true novelty. RMN: The part that doesn't repeat. hmm. The positive futurists tend to fall into two groups. Some visualize ...

1988 1
Ethnobotany of Shamanism, because there will be a part of it and I’ll think as it goes by, “hmm, sounds French.” The main effort is just to relax and let it be. The ...

1988 1