Ask Terence McKenna

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33 total mentions.
15 talks with query:
(0.11 seconds)

DMT, Mathematical Dimensions, and Death

...sly in these kinds of meaning is we're trying to launch and replicate memes. You all know this concept? A meme is the smallest unit of an idea in...

n/a 6
The Winter King (aka Shamanism, Alchemy, and the 20th Century) a gene is to biology, a meme is to ideology. Our task is to create memes. Madonna is a meme, Catholicism is a meme, Marxism is a meme, and yel...

1996 4
Opening the Doors of Creativity

... a meme is the smallest unit of meaning of an idea. Ideas are made of memes. And I think the art community might, uh, function with more efficien...

1990 4
aka A Stiff Dose of Psychedelics

...genes, and genes code for proteins, okay? Well, ideas are made out of memes. You link a few memes together and you have an idea. memes, like gene...

1990 4
Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines

... some transcultural superspace, forage around out there and bring new memes back into the tribe. To some degree our artists do this, to some degr...

1999 3
aka The Evolution of a Psychedelic Thinker

... is all, uh, Whitehead-type stuff. Some of you may know the notion of memes. A meme is the smallest unit of an idea. It’s to ideas what genes are...

1989 3
Live at Wetlands Preserve, NYC

...nesty there is. If you have to inoculate yourself against the various memes of closure that are around, psychedelics do that. That's why they are...

1998 1
Lectures on Alchemy

... of human beings is evolving, and there the currency is not genes but memes, so that idea carries with it the implication of ascent to higher for...

1998 1
Light of the Third Millenium personal responsibility, for your drug taking, for the ideas, the memes, that you push into society, and for the images that we share among o...

1997 1
aka Monogamy, Marriage, and Neurosis

...tricted by government. lThat there -- whatever the means by which the memes are sorted out, it should not be the wisdom of a benevolent governmen...

1994 1
aka Loose Ends Time

...about it. And changing language is a collective activity. You empower memes, we talked about this. You create a concept and then you empower it b...

1990 1
Touched by The Tremendum

...many times, is the smallest unit of an idea that still has coherency. memes are to ideas what genes are to proteins. And my notion in coming here...

1990 1
aka A Psychedelic Point of View

...out free speech, freedom of thought, these things are, uh, endangered memes.Esalen has always tolerated and even encouraged me and I think this i...

1989 1
Ethnobotany of Shamanism

...r meme, empower this idea. I can’t remember who developed the idea of memes, but it’s basically the notion that ideas compete with each other the...

1988 1

...r, you know, all these words: intuition, artistic vision, trance, uh, memes like poetry, these are all ways of trying to have a dialogue with the...

1984 1