Ask Terence McKenna

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5 total mentions.
4 talks with query:
(0.07 seconds)

Bruce Damer and Terence McKenna in Hawaii

...e obsessed with Mars for some reason. BD: It’s kind of a mistake. But nasa again, I think if you picked any planet that is reachable in reasonab...

1999 2
Surfing the Fractal Wave at the End of History

... But in a way, the whole technology is geared towards military stuff, nasa's involved in this and that; it's going that direction. But hemp, for...

1997 1
(aka This Counts, Somehow it Matters & A Higher Dimensional Section of Reality)

...hings for years. There was no theory. Nobody knew what they were. Now nasa dedicated an expedition to looking at this and they got thousands of ...

1994 1
Aliens and Archetypes in the White House; they're not really challenging the military or nasa. [McKenna]: No, they're very mercurial, very watery. When you reach o...

1988 1