Ask Terence McKenna

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6 total mentions.
5 talks with query:
(0.09 seconds)

Live in New York

...thdrawal. Probably because it is, because there has been some kind of pheromonal lock-on that has gone on because you've been hanging out with this pe...

1993 2
In the Valley of Novelty

... of our skin as a seamless body of electromagnetic and acoustical and pheromonal data. It’s just that our eyes, our nostrils, our ears, our skin, we b...

1998 1
aka The Evolution of a Psychedelic Thinker

...temper, hysteria – this is real. It is -- what romantic love is, is a pheromonal bonding, an exchange of chemical messengers which takes these two aut...

1989 1
Psychedelics Before and After History

...rying to say, what these planetarily manufactured information-bearing pheromonal molecules are trying to imbue into us. Now, shamans throughout histor...

1987 1
The Transformations of Language Under the Influence of the Psychedelic Experience

... by man's interaction with hallucinogenic drugs, and that this is the pheromonal regulator that links us to the rest of ecology, of the ecology, and i...

1983 1