Ask Terence McKenna

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11 total mentions.
8 talks with query:
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Culture and Ideology are Not Your Friends

...und this issue, because society’s eggs are all in one basket, and the psychedelically-inspired citizen, or the psychedelically-inspired shaman, is a danger...

1999 2
Lectures on Alchemy

...d we have to re-empower and re-encounter the mind; and we can do this psychedelically, we can do this yogically, or we can do it alchemically and Hermetica...

1998 2
The Winter King (aka Shamanism, Alchemy, and the 20th Century)

... chaos goes along with this. On the other hand, I can point to pretty psychedelically pure centuries, like the 13th in Europe, and there was still plenty o...

1996 2
aka The Psychedelic 'Religious' Agenda

...rom towards the lapis at the end of history, it can only be conceived psychedelically and wordlessly. I really think history is a psychedelic experience an...

1993 1
Alien Footprints - Leprechauns, Elves, or Dead Souls?

...and it’s not well understood. As far as somebody asked about using it psychedelically. I think the real, and I can’t say I do this because I need it for ot...

1993 1
Imagination in the Light of Nature

...s anybody hanging out in their office in Century City, how do we, the psychedelically informed post modern neo-shamanic community go, move from being a tol...

1992 1
Touched by The Tremendum Crete, but as far as we can tell that was the last vestige of this psychedelically motivated partnership society. And it was destroyed by the Kurgan inv...

1990 1
The Gnostic Astronaut

... then you release the ego, and you act with this awareness. These are psychedelically-induced states of being that, I think, make it easier to live in the ...

1984 1