Ask Terence McKenna

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13 total mentions.
9 talks with query:
(0.17 seconds)

DMT, Mathematical Dimensions, and Death

...stion of life after death in a serious way. Not the cheerful round of reincarnation that haunts some of the zanier offshoots of Eastern religion, but act...

n/a 2
Mind & Time, Spirit & Matter

...t many of the phenomena that are being interpreted as past lives, and reincarnation, and channeling, and regression this, and clairvoyant that, all this ...

1991 2
The Invisible Landscape (Peer Review)

...and say I do not believe in the wars of Atlantis. I do not believe in reincarnation. I do not believe in the healing power of crystals, and a whole strin...

1985 2
Psychedelic Society eternal death, falling from the spiral of being which connects one reincarnation to another and falling into the realm of eternal death, then you orie...

1984 2
Touched by The Tremendum

...e that one can visibly turn to and view, presupposes an understanding reincarnation is not possible, that perhaps the empathy within different life forms...

1990 1
Ethnobotany of Shamanism

...finally dawns on you that this may be the only shot you’ve got at it. reincarnation is fine, past lives are fine, but we’re all getting daily older and w...

1988 1
The Rites Of Spring

...e universe. It was actually a- you could call it an event which was a reincarnation of the big-bang, because each cycle begins with a bang, and that cycl...

1986 1
The Gnostic Astronaut

...ence., it's very important to take the moment seriously, uh. reincarnation and all these things aside, what if this were your unique opportunity...

1984 1
The Definitive UFO Tape

... gained within one lifetime and therefore that is what you see as UFO reincarnation or would you say that, uh, it's a terminated at that terminal's termi...

1983 1