Ask Terence McKenna

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5 total mentions.
4 talks with query:
(0.11 seconds)

Live in New York

...things. [laughter] I think, you know -- with the Urantia book and the seth material, and then all little sethettes that came along afterwards --...

1993 2
aka The Psychedelic 'Religious' Agenda

...that would be the entry into the domain outside of history. Yeah? The seth Material. I used to say if you can do this without drugs, you’re prob...

1993 1
The Invisible Landscape (Peer Review)

...g, although I do not immerse myself, I have never read a word of what seth? has to say or any of that. But I gather these things are largely, um...

1985 1
The Transformations of Language Under the Influence of the Psychedelic Experience

...ool of, uh, New Age, or, I don't know exactly how to put it, but, the seth books and that, uh, the, uh, Ilsa [Isha?] Schwaller De Lubicz and the...

1983 1